Course Description
The spiritual path diverges in many ways. Discerning which path to take is both a reflective and an action-packed process. In this course, we take a look at our strengths and abilities, as well as, our desires and passions to help to determine what actions to take or better yet, to discover the questions. Getting to a full-bodied ‘yes’ may be a desired outcome for some, while for others may find forming the questions for clarity more beneficial. Being on the path of your purpose is enlivening and fulfilling, and it also comes with real-life challenges. How do we navigate this terrain?
Discerning Your Purpose provides a process for challenging your thoughts and desires along with accountability steps to manifest that achievement. Students will explore their skills, abilities and spiritual gifts while discovering the ‘next steps’ for progressing to the desired outcome.
Recommended Text/Readings (No Required Textbook, only recommended)
Levoy, Gregg. Callings: Finding and Following an Authentic Life. any edition. New York: Three Rivers Pr., ©1998. Chapters 1-5, 11-15